Saturday, May 31, 2008

Old picture of Jim w/ a reflection of his son.

In 2004, when I was last in Spain, I saw a picture of my dad that I had never seen. It was taken in the early 90's at a 'retreat' house about an hour and a half away from Madrid, in the province of Guadalajara. The church and youth held activities there throughout the year once in a while. He is sitting in a relaxed pose and someone must have just caught him like that for a moment cause he typically wouldn't just be sitting around. I told my friend Quesada how much I liked that picture. The next day he came to where we were staying with an envelope from a photo lab. He had taken his original and gotten them to make a copy of it to give to me.

We've had it up in our living room for the last few years. I wanted to get a picture of it to get it here on the blog, but was having too much trouble with the reflection of the glass. So "when you have lemons, make lemonade" I decided to try some art into it and get a reflection of father/son. Let me know what you think.


Jenny Ratzlaff said...

I can see his reflection in the faces of all of his boys. . .now that you are "grown-ups". :) God bless,
Jenny (Shiflett) Ratzlaff

CharlotteB said...

Loved seeing the picture. We supported your family when you were in Spain, and we received a postcard from your dad that he wrote on the plane returning to Spain from the Czech (sp?) Republic that we received after he had gone to heaven. He was telling us about his trip, and about a girl he had witnessed to on the plane. . . seems like he led her to the Lord. . . my memory is a little fuzzy on that point! We absolutely loved your dad and had the utmost respect for his integrity; his love for the Lord, his family, and the people he ministered to. That he took the time to jot us a postcard meant so much, even though he didn't know it was his last communication to us. I grew up loving your mom, who is the GREATEST!! When your dad came into her life we loved him too! Really like what you've done with the picture of your dad and the reflection of you too.

Charlotte Brown